Whole Life Assessment Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. - Step 1 of 13To begin our sessions we will go through 11 categories that the experts and scientists say are the key factors to health, wellness and joyful living. Today we are going to look at how aligned are we with the various aspects of living a happy, healthy life. This assessment will tell us where we are congruent and where we are not. The things on this list make an impact on all parts of your health; physical, mental and emotional. If creating a healthier life, having more energy and feeling passionate are important to you, these categories will help you start to bring focus to the places that need attention. ** Before you begin ** You may NOT use these categories to judge, blame or shame yourself. Not happening. Assessing yourself is merely a tool to bring focus to the things you may want to improve in your life. Please practice self-compassion when doing the assessment.Name *FirstLastEmail *NextHEALTH / FITNESSI regularly take care of myself so that I can feel my best. I strive to eat well, sleep well, and move my body so that I have the physical vibrancy and stamina to enjoy life and deal with its challenges and opportunities.NextMENTAL/EMOTIONALI keep a positive outlook and attitude. I’m cultivating a sense of joy and peace in my life so that I can experience positive emotions and relationships. I take care of myself by being mindful to the energy, focus, and emotions I really want to experience and generate in life. I take self care seriously and often spend time doing things for my mental wellness.NextLOVE LIFE / SEXUALITYI feel a consistently deep, trusting, appreciative, soulful, loving connection with my significant other. I am patient, respectful, and attentive to my partner’s needs. I make time to explore my sexuality and what I need in a sexual relationship. Alternative if single: I live each day through my heart and demonstrate compassion and love for others.NextRELATIONSHIPSI am present with my family, friends and people in my life. I am creating deep connection, and fun and positive energy with the people that I keep in contact with. It’s evident that I love my family & friends and I’m doing my best for them. I try to forgive their mistakes and be compassionate with them. My immediate social circle of friends brings connection, fun, and positive energy into my life. I seek out positive people and I do my very best to bring positive energy and real authenticity into all my relationships. I spend enough time with friendsNextMISSION/ WORK / LIFE PURPOSEI feel clear, energized, and fulfilled by my work and contributions to the world. I believe my work or day’s effort adds real value and is a true reflection of my best efforts and contributions. I am truly engaged and excited by what I’m doing—it feels like a mission, calling, or purpose.NextEXPERIENCESI plan special experiences—trips, adventures, nights out, time to connect or disconnect—so that I enjoy life. I give enough time to the things I love in life, including to my hobbies, interests, and non-work goals and adventures. I find time to play just for the sake of bringing joy and laughter to my life.NextSPIRITI feel connected to the present moment and vitally alive in my spirit. I am congruent with my beliefs and behaviors and I keep my faith and values at the forefront of my decisions and daily actions.NextFINANCESI am being responsible in how I spend my money. I’m saving money for my future. I’m learning the skills necessary to develop my ability to earn even more. I am happy with my lifestyle and allow myself to enjoy what I’ve built and earned.NextLEARNINGI am curious and pay attention to the world around me so that I can learn new things. I ask questions. I seek to discover new things about myself and others. I have created a personalized curriculum for myself so that I can develop the skills needed to succeed.NextCONNECTION TO SELFI listen to my gut regularly, I know I am guided by my inner wisdom and I take time to check in and reaffirm that I am on the right path. I use my intuition to guide me to make decisions and I feel aligned to my truth.NextHOME ENVIRONMENTI make an effort to make my surroundings beautiful and pay attention to the clutter that builds up over time. Each of my belongings brings meaning and pleasure to my life and I make my home feel inviting and relaxing. My home environment matches my personal taste. and I know I can reset and restore at home.NextBOUNDARIESI am clear with myself and in my relationships about what is ok and not ok treatment. I am clear and understand my physical, sexual, material, mental and emotional boundaries. I can clearly articulate and enforce my boundaries with my partner, family members, friends and acquaintances.Submit